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XLib - an eXtended Librarian for the Roland Fantom 1.x.x

XLib - an eXtended Librarian for the Roland Fantom 1.x.x

Screenshots of XLib - an eXtended Librarian for the Roland Fantom

XLib - an eXtended Librarian for the Roland Fantom Publisher's Description

XLib - an eXtended Editor for the Roland Fantom

Why XLib? Is there really a need for another Librarian?

Sure, there is a need. The data within user or card memory may have and mostly will have references to itself or to each other. These dependencies are called cross-references or xrefs. For example if you move a patch being referenced by a performance from one memory slot to another you will alter the performance unintentionally. XLib will help you to keep track of all xrefs.

One librarian for different Fantom models

XLib supports the Fantom-S, Fantom-X, Fantom-Xa, Fantom-XR and the Juno-G. Later on XLib will support SonicCell, Juno Stage and Fantom-G. XLib will also read and write the Roland Librarian file format.

Wavetable Translation

The different Fantom models all have different wavetable contents and wavetable layouts. For example a patch on a Fantom-X referencing the internal wave on memory slot 1022 may reside on the Juno-G on memory slot 854 or it may not be present at all on the Fantom-Xa. So if you play the original Fantom-X patch on the other models it will not sound the same. With the Wavetable Translation module of XLib you can define for each source wave the location where to find the wave on the destination model or you can define a different appropriate wave replacing the original wave. The Wavetable Translation works in realtime, so you can change it on the fly. Everything works non-destructive the original sound data will be preserved. XLib supports Wavetable Translation for the preset, user and card samples, multisamples and all 15 SRX-Boards.

Full Drag and Drop-Support

With XLib you can edit, copy or move data comfortably with your mouse.

Rhythm Key Editor

Each Rhythm Set defines 88 Rhythm Keys. With XLib’s Rhythm Key Editor you can easily create new Rhythm Sets or exchange Rhythm Keys between different Rhythm Sets.

Rhythm Pattern & Arpeggio Editor

Xlib’s Pattern Editors will let you edit your Rhythm Patterns and Arpeggios like a drum machine. You can copy tracks from one pattern to another. For example if there is a HiHat-Track within a Rhythm Pattern you can copy only the HiHat-Track to another Rhythm Pattern. Or you can copy or move a complete Rhythm Pattern to an Arpeggio or vice versa. Later XLib will support the Import and Export of MIDI files to and from pattern and tracks.

Patch, Rhythm Set & Rhythm Key Wizard

XLib's Wizard will let you mix and mingle your Patch and Rhythm Set data in order to create new Patches, Rhythm Sets.

XLib - File Format

XLib has its own file format with the extension ‘.xlb’. The xlb-file stores preset, user, card data and the corresponding wavetables.

What are the requirements for XLib?

XLib requires a PC with Microsoft Windows XP x32 SP3 and Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 being installed.

Evaluation Period

You can test XLib for 14 days. Then you have to register XLib.

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